Never enough time
Every summer and fall I have delusions of grandeur. I am going to attend every single event in Red Lodge including but not limited to the singer songwriter festival, Beartooth biker rally, classic car show, Shakespear in the park. Then of course there is the 4th of July festivities including the parade, rodeo and fireworks show and multiple other events. On top of all that I am going to hike every drainage, fish ever single river and give Lewis and Clark a run for their money in exploration. Summertime in Montana is absolute paradise. I have to constantly remind myself the scarcity gives it even more value. Remembering every season has value and I love all four of them equally.
“If a man walk in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer; but if he spends his whole day as a speculator, shearing off those woods and making earth bald before her time, he is esteemed an industrious and enterprising citizen. As if a town had no interest in its forests but to cut them down!”
Henry David Thoreau